The Reader's Digest Condensed version of the past few weeks....
- The students (as of today) have all completed their research packet. They are happy to have made it over this hurdle.
- In almost every case, the students had some information that conflicted between their sources. It gave us opportunities for conversations about valid sources and the importance of using current sources.
- They have greatly expanded their vocabulary and understanding of their endangered animal and the threats that impact its survival.
- In Storybird, the students learned to post a comment about stories their peers have published. We discussed personal responsibility, appropriate form and content. Commenting on stories is similar to commenting on our blog. They had no trouble transferring their knowledge and skill to this application.
- The students continue to work on developing their collaboration skills as they write stories with their peers.
From Australia, we were introduced to the blue-tongued skink. We learned how the natural balance can be disrupted when a non-native species is introduced into a habitat. This occurred when rabbits were brought over on the settlement ships from England. Without predators, their population exploded causing a competition for food with other native animals. To "fix" this man-made problem, man imported foxes from England as they were the main predator for rabbits back in England. Once there, however, the fox discovered the bilby, a slower moving marsupial that made for an easy lunch. As the result of this man-made tragedy, the bilby is critically endangered.
Next, the students learned about the struggles of the black rhino on the brink of extinction. Poachers hunt for and kill rhinos to use their horn in medicines some believe will make them stronger.
From the Amazon Rainforest, we met the double yellowed-headed parrot. We learned about the destruction of its habitat and the illegal smuggling of these birds for the pet trade.
Finally, from the United States, we learned how even domesticated animals can become endangered. Ask your child to tell you a little about Bubbles and the other animals they brought to our class.
They ended their day with our Spanish lesson and by working on their mathematical problem solving skills in the Math Rules program.