Monday, March 19, 2012

Welcome Back from Spring Break!

Over the past couple of SAGE days, I have introduced the students to another digital storytelling site, Kerpoof.  Today, they were given an account under my teacher account.  They know their user login and their password.  The A Day student need to remember their Class Account Code: L637.  Today, they also learned to add a new scene to their animated movies, add special effects, earn tolkens that can be spent in the Kerpoof store and how to save their projects on their individual account. 

The sites and applications to which I am introducing your children are useful, learning tools and applications.  Most are literacy based and many could be used for book reports, creative writing stories and possibly even reports. I want to familiarize your child with several Web 2.0 tools.  They can continue to explore and refine their use of the features of the applications on their own.   Once the class has a general feel for how to use the site/application, we are moving on to new tools.  If you or your child have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email me!

The rest of our day, ebbed & flowed...  two students painted the background for their animal research project diorama.

Other students worked on building out the features on their animal mask.  A few had time to at least start the final layer of papier-mâché.

Several will be ready to begin painting their mask soon. 
Between doing these tasks, the students filled in a table with information about their own research animal and that of eight other classmates' animals.  The information for the table included the animal's length, weight, life span etc.   Next week, we will use calculators to find common units of measurement.  The students will then learn to create a bar graph online, to compare a measurable aspect of the animals. 

Several students also had time to work at their Exploratory center tasks.
The students ended their day with Senora Gates' Spanish lesson.  Today, they had an opportunity to use some of their vocabulary words to create complex sentences.  They also practiced their numbers in a timed "speed" game. 

It was good day and they worked hard!  Have a great week!

Take a Look Around Our Room...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Wrapping Up 3rd Quarter...

The students started their day working on logical thinking skills in the Logic Links program.  Next, we worked in the TOPS Math program on their mathematical problem solving skills.

After recess and lunch, we had an affective discussion on classroom expectations, learning to challenge and push yourself, "fairness" in a differentiated lesson, when and how to correct a teacher, being respectful and learning to successfully "play the game."  First, let me say, your children were not horrid today and our discussion did not arise from a problem in our classroom. Spring is upon us and the combination of:
  • the weather changing
  • passing into new developmental stages
  • gained self-confidence
  • and a relaxed level of comfort with teachers and the classroom setting
doesn't always bring out the best in a 2nd grader.  Although this problem is not exclusive to gifted students, I do feel the asychronous nature of their development often sets them on a path of conflict with peers as well as adults. It is important for them understand appropriate social interaction with peers and adults so they are better able to successfully navigate their path.

"Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally." The Columbus Group, 1991, cited by Martha Morelock, "Giftedness: The View from Within", in Understanding Our Gifted, January 1992   (A great article by the way...)

This time of year I hear more teacher complaints of students being verbally critical of other students and even their teacher/s, becoming lazier about doing quality work, and walking a fine line with regards to respect as they challenge a teacher and/or parents' requests. These life skills are difficult for many adults but I think it is important to have discussions so they can begin to understand and hopefully make the wise choices.  And so the conversations continue....

Next, I showed the students how they will be building out the three dimensional features of their animal for their mask.  Only a few students had time for this step today.  They will be ready to finish up their Papier-mâché at the start of class next week. 

The rest of the class will work on these same steps when we return from Spring Break on March 19th.

The students ended their day with Senora Gates.  Today they played Bingo with Spanish numbers and colors.

Have a great week!