Over the past couple of SAGE days, I have introduced the students to another digital storytelling site, Kerpoof. Today, they were given an account under my teacher account. They know their user login and their password. The A Day student need to remember their Class Account Code: L637. Today, they also learned to add a new scene to their animated movies, add special effects, earn tolkens that can be spent in the Kerpoof store and how to save their projects on their individual account.
The sites and applications to which I am introducing your children are useful, learning tools and applications. Most are literacy based and many could be used for book reports, creative writing stories and possibly even reports. I want to familiarize your child with several Web 2.0 tools. They can continue to explore and refine their use of the features of the applications on their own. Once the class has a general feel for how to use the site/application, we are moving on to new tools. If you or your child have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email me!
The rest of our day, ebbed & flowed... two students painted the background for their animal research project diorama.
Other students worked on building out the features on their animal mask. A few had time to at least start the final layer of papier-mâché.
Several will be ready to begin painting their mask soon.
Between doing these tasks, the students filled in a table with information about their own research animal and that of eight other classmates' animals. The information for the table included the animal's length, weight, life span etc. Next week, we will use calculators to find common units of measurement. The students will then learn to create a bar graph online, to compare a measurable aspect of the animals.
Several students also had time to work at their Exploratory center tasks.
The students ended their day with Senora Gates' Spanish lesson. Today, they had an opportunity to use some of their vocabulary words to create complex sentences. They also practiced their numbers in a timed "speed" game.
It was good day and they worked hard! Have a great week!