After lunch and recess, we discussed our SAGE Class Rules.
- There is no such thing as a dumb question or answer.
- This is a safe place to try new things.
- It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.”
- If you don’t understand, ask.
- If you still don’t understand, ask again.
- Be respectful of other peoples’ feelings and ideas.
- It’s okay to disagree– try explaining your ideas.
- It’s okay to be yourself, originality is in!
- None of us are perfect.
- This is a safe place to make mistakes- jump in a give it a try!
I am confident the boys and girls will find success with these rules.
In the computer lab, the students had a chance to read and respond to the comments written by our Quadblogging partners. We have gotten 10 or 12 comments posted from the partner schools/students already this week. That has been fun, but our A day students have each published a comment to respond to the questions the partner students have asked.
The students analyzed the comments and noted misunderstandings, unfamiliar vocabulary and raised questions when the partners discussed something for which they were unfamiliar. They even inferred from subtle details the students wrote, such as some of the schools wear uniforms, one of the schools does not make hot lunches and New Zealand is in a very different season from Missouri. --Great Ah Ha moments!
The students' comments have been wonderful (keep in mind, in most cases, this is their first attempt.) They are beginning to understand how to use a greeting, compliment the writers, add additional new information, end with a question (to encourage further dialog) and close their comment appropriately. They are so excited about it (and so am I!)
Next we learned the importance of having strong research skills. We discussed and defined our 2nd grade Academic Vocabulary words: knowledge, comprehension, research and independent. We are encouraging the boys and girls to be as independent as possible in their work.
We ended our day working at our individual Exploratory Centers. Ask your child what he or she learned today.